Monday, 30 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - To Wish You Well

Lights are lit,
Candles glow,
Advent trees already twinkle
Silently - bearing gifts -
Awaiting their moment,
In each window - reflecting,
Presently poised;
Lovingly wrapped
To wish you well.

So, spare time
To dream;
To admire.

In the stature of waiting,
In the magic of wondering -
Christmas mysteries unfold.
Today, every day,
So precious, so priceless;
Soon to be with us anew;
Prepare then the holly bough
And ringing bell
To welcome God, Emmanuel.

- Wendy Whitehead

Friday, 27 November 2015

Vicar's Kitchen - Cauliflower Cheese Soup

Suddenly England seems to have been plunged into bleak mid winter eh? It is at times like this that I am reaching for anything that is warming and cosy or bowlfood as I mentioned in my last Vicar's kitchen post. One of my favourite lunch options at the moment is this little beauty, Cauliflower Cheese Soup.

Knock up a pan of this at the start of the week and you'll laughing in the face of frost as you snuggle up with big bowl of hearty, cheesy deliciousness.


Cauliflower Cheese Soup

20g butter
1 white onion
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 cauliflower
1 bay leaf
A couple of potatoes (to about the size of a baking potato!) peeled and chopped into about 3cm chunks
500ml milk
500ml veg stock
1 teaspoon mustard (any kind will do!)
100g Mature Cheddar, grated

  • Melt the butter, add the onions and cook gently until they are soft. Add the garlic, bay leaf, cauliflower and potato. Put the heat down low, cover the pan with a lid and cook for ten minutes. Stir occasionally and add a little splash of water if the veg are sticking.
  • Pour in the milk and the stock. Simmer for 15 minutes or until the veg are nice and soft.
  • Remove the bay leaf and blitz the soup.
  • Stir in the grated cheese and the mustard over a gentle heat to melt.
  • Taste to check the flavour and add more cheese and mustard as you like. You can also thin the soup out with some more stock if you prefer.
  • Serve with a nice chunk of crusty bread and enjoy!

30 Second Reflection - Why Pray?

'The best reason to pray is that God is really there. In praying our unbelief gradually starts to melt. God moves smack into the middle of even an ordinary day. Prayer is a matter of keeping at it. Thunderclaps and lightning flashes are very unlikely. It is well to start small and quietly.'

- Emilie Griffin

The 30 Second Reflections this week are all on the theme of prayer to tie in with the Faith for the Fainthearted post this week which you can read here. Have a fantabulous day!

Thursday, 26 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - I Called you First

This quote probably needs a little explanation but it is one of my favourites when I think about prayer. It comes from the Chronicles of Narnia, The Silver Chair. The children decide to seek out Aslan and he responds to them...

'“You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you," said the Lion.'

This sets in me this little wondering thought that perhaps when I feel that little nudge to pray it is not me who is calling but I am being called first and what an amazing thought that God might want to hear from me.

The 30 Second Reflections this week are all on the theme of prayer to tie in with the Faith for the Fainthearted post this week which you can read here. Have a brilliant day!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Prayer and Strength

'Prayer is the way to open ourselves to God and the way in which He shows us our unstable hearts and begins to strengthen them.'

- Teresa of Avila
The 30 Second Reflections this week are all on the theme of prayer to tie in with the Faith for the Fainthearted post this week which you can read here. Have a fantabulous day!

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Prayer and Action

'Prayer is not some old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied it is the most potent instrument of action'.

- Mahatma Gandhi
The 30 Second Reflections this week are all on the theme of prayer to tie in with the Faith for the Fainthearted post this week which you can read here. Have a fantabulous day!

Monday, 23 November 2015

Faith for the Fainthearted - Prayer 101

What are your earliest memories of prayer? For many of us it is sitting cross legged on the cold floor of the school hall, eyes squeezed shut as we mumble out the Lord's prayer. These are my early memories. That and being in a big, dark church and just finding it all a bit creepy really. I was, and have remained, someone who prefers to be 'out there'. Who is much more likely to experience something beyond myself when out and about, looking at the world, feeling that rhythm of life all around me.

So the idea of prayer for me as a boxed up, contained thing that you do with certain words attached to it has always been a bizarre one. No, prayer for me has been more like that moment on a cool crisp morning, when you are walking up the street and fill your lungs with that cool air and say to in your heart 'I am so glad to be alive'. That is a prayer of thankfulness. Or prayer is the moment when bent over the sink doing the dishes I say 'God, what should I do about this situation?' and let the possibilities flow as I stack up the clean plates.

Because God, (surprise, surprise!) is everywhere. I believe and find God to be in my waking, my sleeping, my thinking, my doing, my past, my future and very much in my present. God, I find, in the birds, in the sunshine, in the air I breathe, in the eyes of those around me, in laughter, in joys and in sorrows.

There is God, underneath it all, like a steady heartbeat that I feel and hear in every part of my life. So I makes sense to me that prayer is something to be unleashed onto the whole of life rather than contained in specific moments. Prayer in this way is an attitude, a constant connection, a living of life in the presence and guidance of that God who is everywhere and in everything.

That's not to say that moments where your entire attention are on God and you retreat to just the quiet inside yourself are not important. This is where things get trickier for me. I am such an active person that sitting in silence for any length of time is difficult because I am always thinking about the next thing I want to do. But when I do it, which I schedule in for myself a couple of times a week, I am nearly always surprised and bowled over by what comes to me. A sense of peace, yes, but also many times a feeling of deep conviction about what I ought to do or how I might see my situation in a new way.

And praying for others, well that really is a transformatory thing. Try this one on for size, try asking for as many blessings as you can imagine for someone who annoys you or has upset you. It is incredibly freeing and I've found it shift the dynamic of my relationships many times. Praying for the community and the world is part of life working for a local church and I really treasure it. It remind me every day that my part in the world is so very small, that life is so very fragile and to look outside of myself to the situation of others. It challenged that reflex to be all about me and my world and draws me outside of myself.

For all its benefits, though, perhaps one of the trickiest things we find hard to get to grips with is that prayer is not like a vending machine. You don't pop a prayer in and out comes your tasty treat. I tried that out when I was five asking for a bag of hot chips and I can tell you it doesn't appear to work like that! Logically we know that if every prayer was answered the world would be a very different (and perhaps very odd!) place indeed. It wouldn't even be possible for every individuals prayer to be answered when so many conflicting, and perhaps sometimes unwise, prayers are prayed every day.

Recently as I have been praying about one particular issue in my life I have been struck by the feeling that God may not be answering my prayer because he is answering someone else's and logically I know that these two things can't happen at once. Does that make sense? I don't know, but sometimes I wonder if that is how it is. If I am being told gently and quietly to just hold on because in the chain reaction of events linked to everything that happens there is someone who really needs to be heard and for things to come together in their favour.

The life of prayer can certainly be mysterious. I have had so many prayers answered and yet sometimes it is those big one, those great whopping burdens of life, that never seem to be relieved. In all of that, though, I have found that one prayer never fails to be answer and that is this, 'Be with me, hold me up, be my rock' and its close neighbour 'Guide me, direct me, keep me strong.' That, for me, is the true beauty and wonder of prayer - its ability to keep you going on life's journey, to travel through its difficulties and to fully appreciate its joys.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Vicar's Study - I Know How She Does It

I'm a bit in love with a new book I am reading. Do you remember that film (or indeed the book) 'I Don't Know How She Does It' with Sarah Jessica Parker? I remember watching that with this sinking feeling about the future. This was going to be me, I thought, the Mum who fakes homemade pies by bashing them with a rolling pin or who is always rushing from one place to the next trying to maintain a career I love and a family I am devoted to.


Well, scrap all that 'I Know How She Does It' by Laura Vanderkam is like the complete reversal of all this and has actually given me some semblance of hope that I can pursue goals at home and in my leisure time as well as at work. If you too have vague hopes of (or indeed are attempting to pull off!) combining a full personal and family life with a busy and successful work life, then this book could be a bit of a revelation for you too!

The book is like going to Time Management Bootcamp. Week One with the book and I was filling in a time log of my every movement every fifteen minutes, 24 hours a day, for a week. My goodness this in itself was a revelation! It turns out I make a massive big deal about some things that use hardly any of my time and allocate next to no time for some of the things that are most important to me in life. Who knew?!


Laura encourages you to start looking at your week as 168 hours rather than 24 hour blocks when looking for balance and fulfilment. Yes, some days may be crazy with work, but other days you can leave at 4 and have drinks with your best friend or take your kids to the library. Adding up how much time I spent on different activities gave me much more of a sense of calm and challenged that little voice saying 'You are so busy! This such a nightmare!'. Yes, my work life is busy but actually it only takes up about 50 hours a week. With 56 hours of sleep that still leaves 62 hours in my week to do with exactly as I please. Not too shabby!

This is a lovely thought when you are in the midst of a busy work day. Laura even suggests that if you want to make inroads at work then you might consider working more hours. Steady on! But the thing about thinking about your time is that it allows you to take control of it. To make informed decisions about how you want to spend it rather than dashing from thing to thing headless chicken style and exclaiming 'I don't have any time!' Likewise she also suggest that we really consider how we want to spent our leisure time rather than assuming we have none as this is a sure fire way to lose all your personal time into the blackhole of internet browsing and watching endless reruns of The Big Bang Theory (or is that just me?!)
Laura presents life a mosaic and encourages you to move the slots around as it works best for you and gives you a huge wealth of tips, based on compiling time logs of many women in high level careers, on how to get the best out of your work life, family time and personal life. Getting all you want out of life, she suggests, is about playing around with the tiles until you get an interesting, varied and full picture emerging. The picture that you really want. For me this picture includes growing in my new role at work, working on this blog, praying (I have to say that as Vicar right? but it actually keeps me sane!), sewing, cooking meals from scratch and having little adventures in London visiting all the museums and eating and extraordinary amount of cake. I can indeed do all of these things! Hurrah!

I can't recommend it enough, particularly if you are currently looking at your life and wondering how it is all going to happen in the hours you have Or if you have a bucket list as long as your arm and feel like the time just isn't there to pursue the interest you want to. I would practically press it into your hands if you are feeling overwhelmed at the moment by all the demands of your life. So basically, read it! This is a great little book.

30 Second Reflection - A Whole New Whole

Nope, I'm not about to get all Alladin on you (Ah!! Alladin! That's this weekend sorted then...!) but rather I am introducing the last of these little bible excepts for the week. These mini reflections have gone along with this weeks Faith for the Fainthearted post all about how the Bible might be useful for something more than a very effective doorstop (which it is, by the way!)

So today, rather fittingly I have gone right to the end of the Bible to one of those passages that I would happily have written on my wall to read every single day. It is such a beautiful picture of what the life of faith envisions at the end of this wonderful yet often turbulent life that we live. Check it out:

'The I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth has passed away and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,

'See the home of God is among mortals.
He will dwell with them and they will be his peoples
and God himself will be with them,
he will wipe every tear from their eyes.
Death will be no more;
mourning and crying and pain will be no more,
for the first things have passed away.'

From Revelation 21:1-4

Thursday, 19 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Nothing can separate us

Today's Bible except barely needs an introduction. It is one of my absolute favourites because of the sense of deep security and optimism within it. This is one I return to when I need to be reminded again that anything is possible. And we are never alone.

'What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his son but have him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else?....No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, not angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor heights, nor depths, nor anything else in the whole world will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.'

from Romans 8:31-37

All the 30 Second Reflections this week are some excepts from the Bible which might surprise you and might be ones you have never heard before all applied to modern life. This ties in with the Faith for the Fainthearted series which this week explores the theme of the Bible.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Stuff the Cleaning

I've been doing a Time Management survey recently like the complete geek that I am so this little story from Luke's gospel really resonated with me. Here are two sisters, one who is dashing about doing the cleaning and the other one who says, 'You know what, stuff the cleaning. Here is a fascinating person that I want to learn from. The laundry can wait'. I'm trying to do that in my life.

'Now as they went on their way; he (Jesus) entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at his feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks so she came to him and asked. 'Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself. Tell her then to help me!' But Jesus answered her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worries and distracted by many things but there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.'
from Luke's Gospel 10:38-42
All the 30 Second Reflections this week are some excepts from the Bible which might surprise you and might be ones you have never heard before all applied to modern life. This ties in with the Faith for the Fainthearted series which this week explores the theme of the Bible.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Faith for the Fainthearted - That Big 'Ol Book

One of the most common things I hear from people when I talk to them about the Bible is the line 'Yes, I tried to read the Bible. I started at Genesis and gave up somewhere amongst the laws about mildew in Leviticus'. A part of me always wants to bang my head on the table at this point and say 'Well of course you gave up, who wouldn't!' and then press a reading plan into the their hand which skips all the mildew bits for now and gets straight to all the cool bits like King David, the prophets and all the amazingly smart things Jesus said.

The Bible is certainly not an easy thing to just dive into, and even less so to just open up and begin reading. Because it is less a single book and more a collection of books. It is like a library held deceptively between two covers. And more than that the books of the Bible span millennia in terms of the time they were written and the events that they tell us about. More than that each of these little books in the library is slightly different.

There are different genres to be found: history books, law books, poetry books, philosophy and biography. To name but a few, the books are influenced by contact with ancient Egypt, ancient Greek philosophy, Roman occupation, experience of exile, rural living in the Middle East and life in the court of the King. No wonder that getting to grips with something like this is somewhat more of a challenge than picking up your average book.
But it is also this scope and breadth that makes the Bible so interesting for me. It is fascinating to see how different people in ages well before you own have viewed the world. To see what it is that they have considered to be good or inspiring and compare it to your own time and your own beliefs and values.
For me, this is what the Bible is, an account of people's dealings with God down the ages which, though written in many different human voices, has something of a golden thread running through it. There emerges through these different writers a growing sense about who and what God might be and that is fascinating to watch unfold.
I don't believe that everything anyone has ever said that has now been recorded in the Bible is a record of what God wants or approves of. Reading the Bible isn't an exercise in blind acceptance of the absurd or what is plainly wrong like the Old Testament land grabs in the name of God. The Bible is an evolving account of a nations quest to understand and make sense of God. Sometimes they reach glorious heights and sometimes dismal lows. It is a book that is at times so plainly human and at other times so intriguingly divine.
But this shouldn't surprise us really as the Bible in many ways offers an internal critique of itself. One set of ideas is presented and then another writer comes along who says 'Well, that is all very well but what about this?' or who challenges some of the underlying assumptions of generations gone past. Jesus does this A LOT. When he talks about parts of the Old Testament he says 'You have heard it said, but I tell you...' He is evaluating, critiquing and reframing the teaching of the Old Testament for his day.
So I suppose what I am saying in a rather long winded way is not to be afraid of the Bible, to see it as something to tussle with and question as well as learn from and be inspired by. There is a lot to be inspired by. I believe that there is a vision for humanity in those pages that I have never seen bettered anywhere else.
I am constantly drawing from the Bible for a huge range of aspect of my life. It is a treasury of hard won wisdom of generations before us. Tussle with it, I say because, that for me has been the a path which uncovers riches in this amazing text that you might never have imagined you would find.

Want to get started?
If you fancy starting out with the Bible then one book I would really recommend is The Book of God by Walter Wangerin. It is basically a novel of the Bible which helps to put all of the details of the books of the Bible in the order in which they happened and make some sense of the historical context. I'd read it with a Bible next to you to read stories that interest you for yourself but having this framework might just be the start of some interesting explorations.
This is the second post in the Faith for the Fainthearted series, see the other posts here.

30 Second Reflection - Strength for the Weary

I love this reading from one of the Old Testament prophets because it reminds me that I don't have to always be striving to do everything alone. It is so true that even the young grow weary, we wear ourselves out! For me this gives me a jolt to remember that I can't do it all alone and nor do I have to.

'Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the faint
and strengthens the powerless.

Even youths grow faint and be weary,
and the young will fall exhausted;
but those who wait for the Lord
shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not be faint'

From Isaiah 40: 28-31

All the 30 Second Reflections this week are some excepts from the Bible which might surprise you and might be ones you have never heard before all applied to modern life. This ties in with the Faith for the Fainthearted series which this week explores the theme of the Bible.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Vicar's Craft Corner – Things I have Learned About Dressmaking

I can't quite believe it but I have now finished my dressmaking course which only seems to have just begun! I spent six weeks going to an evening class to learn the skills of fabric selection, reading and cutting patterns and the basic skills needed to start putting together wearable, well finished clothes that, most of important of all, actually fit!

So far getting in to dressmaking has been the most brilliant thing I have done in a long time and well worth venturing out into dark autumnal nights for. I mentioned in a previous post some of therapeutic benefits of having something completely different and practical to focus on. Now I am starting to reap the benefits in my wardrobe too! So far everything I have made is completely wearable and I only had one small disaster where I managed to put my thumb through a seam while at work. Awkward!
One of my favourites so far, an Audrey Hepburn style jumper
A lot of things I have learned probably should have been obvious to be me but really weren't! And yet these simple things have transformed my success rate when it comes to dressmaking. So if you fancy giving it a go yourself here are some of my top tips I have gathered along the way so far.

Fabric is Everything
When I first started attempting to make things to wear I made the mistake of purchasing cheap fabric. It makes sense in a way. I was convinced that as it was a first attempt it was likely to go a bit wrong so why waste money on expensive fabric? Errr, major error! Because the first thing I learned on my sewing course is that if the fabric is cheap, the garment looks cheap. Good fabric hangs well and lasts well.
Instead of thinking of your competitors in dressmaking as being New Look or Primark think instead that you are producing Boden level clothing. There are many amazing end of line designer fabric around that you can make into a gorgeous garment for a fraction of the price of more high end retailers like the one pictured below that I am currently making a 60s mini out of.
From the brilliant

Measuring is Everything

As a newbie dressmaker I was a bit afraid of the measuring tape. But dressmaking pattern sizes bear no relationship to shop sizes so you really do need to get measuring. Besides, that is the joy of making your own, that your clothes will fit you perfectly so knowing your measurements is a must. When you do measure yourself you will discover that your dressmaking pattern size is about three sizes up from your shop size. Don't be alarmed and frankly, ignore the number. This is about getting a perfect fit for you.
A perfectly fitting pencil skirt, never managed to buy one of these!
Also make sure you fit the garment on yourself the whole way through. Try it on all pinned together before you stitch the final seams to make sure it fits as you'd like. Try it on before you do the final hem to make sure it is where you want it to sit. This is your garment, have it exactly as you want. This is the joy of dressmaking!
Take it Easy

I used to dressmake like I was in some gigantic rush but as I am not a contestant on The Great British Sewing Bee then there is no reason why I shouldn't take my sweet time. After all I am doing this because I enjoy it so time isn't really an issue.

Particularly take time when you are in the stages of measuring, laying out your pattern pieces and cutting the fabric as this is key to the final garment and how it looks and hangs. Take each step as it comes, doing a little bit and then perhaps leaving it for the day. This approach has made dressmaking such a joy for me.

Buy Good Equipment

On my second class we finally got to sewing and I brought along my cheap little sewing machine that I brought a few years ago to see if I would take to it. A few stitches in and it started to make a horrible growling noise before completely giving up the ghost.

More lovely fabric, this is destined to be a dress

Luckily I had been gifted a gorgeous Bernina sewing machine so all was not lost but this did teach me a valuable lesson. Sewing on a good machine is an absolute dream. Likewise you really do need proper dressmaking pins and tailors chalk and pinking shears and proper sharp dressmaking scissors. So go on, go shopping. It will make the experience so much better!

So there we have it, a few tips from my craft corner to yours. I'm sure there will be plenty more where that came from!

30 Second Reflection - The Challenge

'For me it is the challenge - the challenge to try to beat myself or do better than I did in the past. I try to keep in mind not what I have accomplished but what I have to try to accomplish in the future'

- Jackie Joyner Kersee (Olympic Gold Medalist)

Thursday, 12 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Love

'The story of love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity'.

- Helen Hayes

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - A Better World

'You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for her own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful'

- Marie Curie

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Vicar's Kitchen – Butternut Squash and Sausage Pasta

Now that the dark nights are here I am really enjoying snuggling down with some warming winter meals. I recently bought Nigella Lawson's new book. Simply Nigella, and her description of this kind of food really struck a cord with me – it is 'Bowlfood'. The kind of food you settled down with in a comfy chair that is served just in a bowl with a fork to dig in. Food that is hearty, and nutritious and warms you right down to your sock clad toes!

Well this recipe is definitely in the bowl food category. It is quick to do, really tasty and uses easy to find and every day ingredients. I love butternut squash recipes at this time of year. Squash starts to become cheap in the supermarket as it comes into season and one big squash can do several meals. As well as this recipe I'm a big fan of squash soup, squash curry and squash lasagne – but those are perhaps recipes for another day!

So for now this neat little pasta dish to add to you winter meals, enjoy!

Butternut Squash and Sausage Pasta with Feta – Serves 4

A little snap of a similar dish from my Recipe Binder that I pulled from a magazine

Butternut Squash (about 700g) cut into 2cm cubes.
2 tbsp olive oil
360g penne pasta
6 pork sausages
Half a teaspoon on Real Lazy Chilli, or 1 red chilli, chopped.
1 large clove of garlic, crushed
2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
100g feta

  • Preheat the oven to about 200 degress or gas mark 6. Toss the squash with olive oil on a baking tray. Roast for about half an hour until the squash is tender and starting to brown at the edges.
  • Cook the pasta as per packet instructions.
  • Meanwhile, snip the sausage meat out of its skins and place into a frying pan over a medium to high heat. Fry off the sausage, breaking it up with your wooden spoon, for about ten minutes. The sausage should be nicely browned.
  • Add the chilli and garlic to the sausages and fry for a couple of minutes. Then add the balsamic vinegar and stir to combine.
  • Add the butternut squash and the drained pasta to the frying pan and give it a good mix.
  • Serve with a scattering of feta over the top and enjoy!

30 Second Reflection - Beyond Circumstance

'I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances'

- Martha Washington

Monday, 9 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Little Actions

'We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee'.

- Marion Wright Edelman

Friday, 6 November 2015

Faint for the Fainthearted: The J Word Part 2

In last weeks post I did that toe curlingly awkward thing in our culture and decided to talk to you about the J Word. Yup, it's Jesus! Because as I mentioned when I set about writing this series on Faith for the Faint-hearted I realised quickly that there was little I could say about life, faith, spirituality, self esteem, the world, the universe and everything without talking about Jesus. And today, buckle up, we are going to get pretty deep. We really are talking life, death and everything!

So here we in Part 2 which, as I alluded to in the last post, is all about some of the loftier claims that Christians make for Jesus. What the story of Jesus can't do, I'm afraid, is give up a nice 'Be positive and everything will be ok' approach to the world because, well, it doesn't portray the world in that way at all. What the story of Jesus doesn't do is make any promises to you that life is going to be ok, that you will have all the things you hope for or even that it will be that comfortable. I'm really selling this aren't I?
Because the story of Jesus, though it begins with and is suffused with such joy and hope, ends in death and a pretty violent one at that. It seems to me that we do a pretty good job in our culture of living as if we never die. As I become more and more acquainted with death in my work life I am fast becoming one of those people no on wants at a dinner party, chatting away about whether burial or cremation is more preferable. At which point my companions are like 'Errr....calm down and pass the peas...'
But death is a reality, darkness is a reality. Some people are born into such excruciating poverty that any worldview which has nothing to say to that has very little to offer in my view. Jesus' story is one that says, in his own words, you are blessed when you mourn and you will be comforted, the weak will become strong, there is hope in this world that can be so desperate at times. It recognised evil and it recognises good in a dramatic and in you face kind of way but that is really what I like about it.
And what of this hope I mention? This perhaps the more radical thing to justify given how the world is. Well it stems from that rather bold claim I dropped in at the end of the last post - that Jesus is God come to be with us. Taking our on our human life so that we can see the way to live, yes, but also to reconcile this broken and hurting world to the source of all goodness, light, health and healing which is God.

For the Christian what we are missing in this world is God. Because where God is there is no darkness, there is only light; there is no death, there is only life. God is the source of life, the creator and sustainer of all that is beautiful and true and good in this world and the point of Jesus' life and death is to bring us into that life of God, so close that it infuses our whole life, everything we are and everything we will be. This transforms life right here, right now and gives us hope whatever the darkness around us.

But yes, this comes through death. Perhaps it might help to think of it like this. In dying on the cross God experiences death. Imagine that, the source of all life experiencing death, just imagine that for a moment. This unthinkable possibility is real, we say, because of God's deep and unwavering love for humanity which is so vast that he would go to these lengths to overcomes death and to bring us into life, fully restored, again.
In this way comes a major building block of the way I see the world me. Yes, death and pain and suffering is 100% real, not to be ignored and impossible to avoid, but also that love overcomes all of these things and that love is the greatest power there is. Marcus Braybrooke puts it like this 'Love which through suffering absorbs evil and is completely vulnerable is of its very nature indestructible. Such love cannot be defeated by evil and death, whereas enmity eventually exhausts itself.'
I don't have all the answers to why the universe is as it is, why the world is so desperately unfair. But in the story of Jesus I see God's intervention, that he can't stand it either and has stepped in to change it. And I also see something which I know to be true. That in life there is that golden thread of goodness and of light as well as that darkness and death. And that golden thread of goodness and light is so glorious that I can quite easily believe that, after all, love really does win.

So there we go, bit more than you bargained for with your morning brew eh? Don't worry, next time we will be exploring the completely uncontroversial topic of the Bible! ;)

30 Second Reflection - The Greatest Commandment

They said “Teacher, which command in God’s Law is the most important?”

Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.

- Jesus (Matthew's Gospel 22:36-40, The Message Translation)

Thursday, 5 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Love Yourself

'You as much as anyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.'

- Buddha

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Security

'If I can think of myself as loved, I can love and accept others. If I see myself as forgiven, I can be gracious towards others. If I see myself as powerful, I can do what I know is right. If I see myself as full, I can give myself freely to others'.

 - Kathy Peel

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

30 Second Reflection - Spread Love

'Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own home. Give love to your children, to a wife or husband, to a next-door neighbour.'

- Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Monday, 2 November 2015

Vicar's Kitchen – Autumn in Prague

We just got back from an amazing few days in Prague. I didn't have many expectations of the place which, I've found, is always nice. You can then be surprised by what is there and open to explore whenever something catches your eye.

We are big fans of the Insight Step-by-Step guides which give you guided walks around major cities. They pass by all the main sights but also take you to unexpected little corners that are often really wonderful. Wandering around Prague felt a bit like living inside a Disney movie! It is all turrets and spires, figures emerging from the mist on the bridge and the sparkling lights of the city's many, many spectacular buildings unfolding out below you.

All this walking around requires some good solid fuel and Prague certainly didn't disappoint in that regard. It struck me as the perfect place to come in the autumn or winter. On the streets are people selling hot wine (really, really good mulled wine basically) and you can quite easily walk about the streets with a pint in hand without anyone really raising an eyebrow. I had the most amazing sour cherry beer from a street seller accompanied by the worlds largest sausage in a bun slathered in mustard and ketchup. Amazing.

Dining out was such a relaxing experience in Prague because everything is so wonderfully informal. We came across a fair few breweries doing amazing food with their unending supply of tankards of beer where we tucked into to warming winter dishes like goulash, beef in cream sauce with dumplings, sausages cooked in beer and chicken schnitzel.

The stews were like something else and made me realise that when it comes to them I have been doing it ALL WRONG. The goulash was spicy, thick and flavoursome. So much so that I was half tempted to lift up the bowl and slurp down the last few bits. Prague being as brilliant relaxed as it is, again, no one probably would have batted an eyelid!

So now the inevitable hunt begins for some stews to rival the Prague breweries, some hot wine for these cold evenings and where on earth can I get sour cherry beer?! I think another trip might be in order....

30 Second Reflection - From Where We Are

'Whether we are poets or parents or teachers or artists or gardeners, we must start where we are and use what we have. In the process of creation and relationship, what seems mundane and trivial may show itself to be holy, precious, part of a pattern.'
- Luci Shaw