One of the defining
moments of my life came from an interaction with nature. I was
working in South Africa at the time on the whale watching boats
researching the marine life of the area. The boat was quiet that
afternoon so I managed to get a spot with a friend for a bit of a
jolly. We headed out until the shore looked like a thin line and the
houses like tiny dots. The sea was perfectly still, like a shimmering
silver blanket.
As we cut out our
engine something in the air changed, that is the only way I can
describe it, and we all fell into a quiet hush on the boat. I looked
at the skipper and he mouthed 'it's going to breach'. I felt every
muscle in my body tense up. Then, out of that perfectly still sea
emerged a Humpback Whale. 16 metres long, sleek grey body mottled
with white, sailing through the air swiftly followed by its 3 metre
long baby. It takes a lot to shut me up but that moment left me
awestruck, silent, for the rest of the afternoon.
That experience taught
me that you can learn a lot from nature. It can bring up in you all
sorts of feelings that are hard even to put into words. Studying
nature at university, and being privileged to have that amazing
moment with one of the world's most spectacular animals, has given me
a sense of the beautiful order, the underlying peace and wonder,
that is in the world around us.
When I started exploring wisdom
literature I was delighted, then to find that many, many people
before me have seen the same thing. That looking to nature as a way
of understanding the world, of seeking wisdom, is as old as humanity.
Another spectacular African view - Sunset at a lake in Zambia |
In the Old Testament
nature is closely associated with the wisdom tradition. Some of my
favourite passages of the entire Bible relate to watching the natural
world and drawing wisdom from it. This is a personal favourite
written at least two and a half thousand years ago:
'Four things on
earth are small yet they are extremely wise:
Ants are creatures
of little strength yet they store up food in the summer.
Rock badgers are
creatures of little power yet they make their home in the crags.
Locusts have no
king, yet they advance together in ranks.
A lizard can be
caught in the hand, yet it is found in kings' palaces.'
That feeling of
connecting to something bigger than ourselves and drawing something
from nature to help guide us or inspire us in our life is probably
something we can all recognize. It is why we travel, or climb
mountains, set up bird tables or go for walks in woodlands.
well as this observation of nature Wisdom is also associated with the
formation of the world in the Old Testament. You will, of course,
have your own ideas about how we got here on this strange spinning
rock in the middle of space.
One way of thinking about the Old
Testament wisdom literature approach could be this - imagine wisdom
to be a principle like gravity, something that is set into the
ordering of the world. It is there from the beginning and underpins
all things just as evolution underpins the emergence of new species
and life on our planet. Proverbs puts it like this:
'The Lord brought me
forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was
appointed before eternity, from the beginning before the world
began.' Proverbs 8:22-3
ancient Greeks had a similar idea in philosophy the logos
which was the word used for the
principle of order and knowledge in the world. Wisdom can be
understood as something like that then, an order, a principle, a real
and tangible thing that underpins everything in the world.
I love these
possibilities raised in the wisdom tradition. I love how they chime
with my experience of awe and wonder, how they make sense of our
human connectedness and draw to the natural world, when we let
ourselves feel it. I particularly love that growing in wisdom might
be as easy as flopping down on the grass in my back garden and
watching the birds overhead. That wonderful things can absolutely be
found in the ordinary.
What do you think, is
wisdom to be found in the natural world?
This is the second post in the Wisdom Series, to see the first post click here.