Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Vicar's Craft Corner – The Baking Hostess Trolley

One of the joys of moving home is the chance to put things in a new location and re purpose the old as well as bring in the new. When we moved house last time I came across this Hostess Trolley in a charity shop for a fiver and decided it would be good for storing shoes.

I was, however, completely wrong! The shoes really didn't fit on it at all (charity shop errors, eh? We've all had 'em!) so it ended it up as a kind of mobile shelving unit for my husband's jumpers and extensive collection of white running t shorts (don't ask!!)


In the new house, however, we have much better storage upstairs so the hostess trolley was relegated to the shed for the first couple of weeks. As I had some left over paint knocking about I started to wonder if I could enact a bit of a transformation of the trolley and use it in the kitchen/dinning area for some extra storage.
Ta da! The baking trolley was born! I started off by giving it a sand and then a couple of coats of a duck egg eggshell for interior wood. I then made use of some old oil cloth I had kicking about to line the shelves. The top and bottom oil cloth are from Cath Kidston and the middle is from Laura Ashley.

I then set about giving my baking supplies a new home. I keep my flour in these old Douwe Egberts Coffee jars which keeps in nice a fresh and crated some makeshift labels with a Sharpie and a bit of flair! It also houses some of the items I have picked up on my charity shop travels like this flour shaker which I just love, love, love!

Having the baking equipment on wheels is really handy as I can just wheel the whole thing into the kitchen when I need it. And, let's face it, it is pretty bloomin' cute!

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